Saturday, 13 February 2010

The loneliness of a short distance runner

So the theory with this is blindingly simple. Up until October last year (when I got involved with my local pantomime and was spending my evenings either sorting out the music for that, attending rehearsals, or watching American football) I had been what I would describe as an occasional jogger, I would go out in an evening either once or sometimes twice a week, always running the same 5 mile circular course, usually in 50 minutes or thereabouts. The course starts with an uphill section for a mile, then the rest is either gently down or flat, so it;s a good mix (and gets the hard part out of the way first!).

In order to do a marathon in 4 hours 30 minutes, by my maths all I need to be able to do is my 5 mile course 5 times, then a bit more tagged on to the end. When you say it like that it sounds easy. Doesn't it? Doesn't it! Mmmm. You just build up the distance gradually over the next six months.

That's it in a nutshell. Just requires a positive head.

The first job is to get back to the 5 miles in 50 minutes, as quickly as possible, hopefully in the next couple of weeks. However, as I sit typing this this morning with the stiffest legs I can ever remember having, and a back that is telling me "did you not know about the muscles in here, because you sure as heck do now!" after crawling around my beginners 2 mile course on Thursday, then I realise that the 5 miles in 50 minutes challenge is going to be tougher than first thought. I ought to add that I played 5-a-side on Thursday night as well for the first time in months, so that has contributed to the pain.

These activities are going to contribute to my improvement in fitness levels over the next few months, but at the moment they bring me only pain and misery.

It will get easier. Won't it?

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